Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Greetings from the Asshole of America

Just for clarification... I am not referring to MYSELF.

The mayor of New Orleans would like you to believe (would like citizens of New Orleans far and wide to believe) that things are coming back to normal. For a week and half I have been trying to believe it myself.

The fact of the matter is that this town is not coming back anytime soon and anyone who tries to tell you that it is is either lying or wishing. Those are the only two choices. The basic infrastructure, whether we are talking about getting computers fixed, or getting basic services - my refrigerator is broken and has, after two months, still not been replaced, my friend's house (where I used to live) still doesn't have gas or power and the makeshift setup for power that was put in place last week so that her mom (an 83 year old veteran who is wheelchair bound and legally blind)could exist is about to be disconnected at any moment, piles and piles of garbage cover every single block of every single neighborhood and refrigerators sit with rotting food on the street (you can smell it for blocks) - or getting any answers from any government official.

This city is beyond chaos, it is living and breathing on hope and faith and lies.

If New Orelans is going to come back it's going to need more from somebody who actually gives a damn and less from the people who have the single agenda of putting a good spin on the surface.

Someone needs to give a damn or this place is doomed.

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