Wednesday, November 02, 2005

A Place of One's Own

After a week in town, I have moved into a new (though still temporary) place. For the first time in three months I have actually unpacked and hung up my clothes (ALL of my clothes) and I am in a reasonably sane, relatively quiet, and almost completely uncluttered place to live. Like I said, it's still temporary (three weeks to be specific) but it's a step in the right direction.

As I was walking through town last night (the buses, such as they are, stop running at 5:30) I was struck by the almost total silence and lack of population. Twice in the last week I have rounded corners into areas where, in the past, I would have been a little dubious of walking, but there are no people to worry about (except for the fact that there are no people to worry about) and so the form of the dis-ease morphs into a strange aloneness, an odd sense that I would rather be afraid than have nothing to be afraid of.

After a week I am still unclear as to whether I can stay here over time, or whether, like so many others, I will have to temporarily abandon this place again in order to find temporary sustenance (and necessary income) elsewhere.

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