Wednesday, December 14, 2005

On the Road Again

Well... this time tomorrow I'll be winging my way out of Nashville toward Oakland. I've never flown through Nashville before, and whenever I fly from NOLA to the West Coast in winter I always try to stay to the south, but flights out of New Orleans are limited these days, so, like with everything else, we make due with what's available. My lesson in total trust and complete patience continues, but frankly it's feeling pretty good.

I leave this place with a real sense of melancholy. I want to be back in San Francisco for Christmas because I want to be with my kid (she was in London last Christmas) but I am very much aware that in leaving, I really am leaving home. The up side of this is that I know I will be back, and soon.

And, unlike the last time I was in California, I know where I belong and, to a certain extent, what I need to do. There's still a very good chance that I may wind up being a tri-coastal person, perpetually bouncing between three coasts (west, east and gulf), but the anchor that I have needed... the grounding, the vision, and the base; that is clearly established. My home - at least for now - is in The Crescent City.

I leave with an uplifted heart and lot's of hope. Tonight I will go with my friend Mary to St. Louis Cathedral where some of my favorite musicians will be celebrating Christmas "Peace Stories." One of those songs will most certainly be the Anders Osborne tune (here sung by Jesse Moore) that has become a theme song for Katrina tossed New Orleans in general and for me in particular... "It's Gonna Be Okay." If you generally skip the songs I post here, make an exception this time... This is my nomination for Best Song of the YEAR.

That's the good news today... It really IS gonna be okay.

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