Monday, December 26, 2005

St. Stephen's Day Murders

Just a quick note here to say Merry Second Day of Christmas... We made it... I made it... we're heading for the light. I spent Christmas Eve with my daughter and her sweety and then she and I went to church for midnight mass at Grace Cathedral. Christmas morning was pretty much like any other day for me. I woke up, ate something and sat meditation before going down the street from my hotel to Glide Memorial for the big blow out Celebration for Christmas morning. It was great!!!

Then I spent the afternoon creating a new Blues Routes podcast, just for Christmas, which you can hear here (it's show #7). All I have to say about this is one is, my apologies to Cajun friends for the way I mangled the accent. I hope you can enjoy it anyway.

Finally... it's Boxing Day... or more specifically St. Stephen's Day! St. Stephen, the first Christian martyr. It's a day for visiting and feasting and perhaps (as Elvis Costello so wonderfully tells it) for poisoning all the relatives you are SO sick of. I think it's the perfect psychological yang to the yin of Christmas, all murder and horror to counter the way too much joy and prosperity of the day before.

FYI... the theory on why it's called Boxing Day can be found here... It is NOT because it's the day for putting up the boxes from the day before.


Anonymous said...

so glad to hear how your celebration went... one worries about those things, don't ya know!

So look out this St. Stephen's Day! King Wenceslas did!

in joy and in sorrow for those who mourn this day...en

Anonymous said...

Wednesday, The Feast of Holy Innocents...another day to mourn and to pray for the little ones...