Thursday, April 06, 2006

Take Me Out To The Ballgame...

I'm not really a "baseball fan" but I've been known to enjoy a game or two, and this afternoon I'm feeling that old Centerfield jones as if I were a little kid.

I'm sitting back in my office in San Francisco where the cold, damp clouds that started the day have burned off to beautiful spring sunshine... as Fogerty sings... "the sun came out today!" Only about five blocks away from me, just over the tops of the buildings I am facing, the Giants just finished their opening day game by absolutely kicking Atlanta's collective butts.

Now passing along the street in front of me, on their way to cars and busses, are young couples and old lovers holding hands as they walk down the street... little kids tagging along together in a long line... and single guys with black and orange caps turned around backwards on their heads.

I think I'm gonna have to find a way to catch some games this summer... being this close to the ball park is gonna drive me crazy!


Anonymous said...

So they don't play at 3Com Park at Candlestick Point anymore? Hoz

Thom said...

Oh man... The new BallPark (which ain't that new anymore... is right downtown and absolutely gorgeous.

Best of all instwad of a game taking the entire day to get to and get back from it's a five block walk. THAT is the way baseball should be!

Anonymous said...

Well get the hell on it then! Am I allowed to say 'hell' or will i be censored again. I love the Internet freedom of speech baby!

Thom said...

It's MY freedom of YOUR speech! And don't forget it!

Anonymous said...

That sounds like dubyaspeak!