Thursday, March 15, 2007

Looking for love in all the wrong places....

I've really been too busy with less important things than blogging and so I really don't have anything to say here, but when I saw this picture in Huffington Post, well... what the hell is a blog for????

What's Shrub thinking here? Personally, I think he's contemplating another back rub episode. But perhaps he's just pondering... "Firing all the lawyers would just makes me SO HOT!"

Something about the look on Harriet's face reminds me of my friend Pete DeKramer, but I just can't quite figure out what or why.

Captions are welcomed.


Anonymous said...

I am Peter deKramer. And the only thing that I can possibly figure out about why Harriett reminds Tom of me is that every time I open my mouth I KNOW I've made a mistake in one way or another.

The real news, though, and I think this is more real than joke, is that Thom's and my friend Steve Torgelson is caught in the dilemma between favoring Rudy or Obama as his candidate of choice.

This says loads about where we as a community are. Or are not.

Thom said...

No...No...No... it's that deer in the headlights look, I'm sure of it!