Wednesday, June 14, 2006

I know what you're asking and the answer is no...

I have NOT gotten in the surf yet damnit!

My schedule blew apart on me on Tuesday and I wasn't able to even get to the surf before early evening. However, the break at Rodeo Beach in southern Marin was really lovely. The problem was, there were 30 people in the line up and not much room left over for an aging Kook on a Boogie Board like me.

So... I tried returning to it today, but I didn't have time first thing in the morning (when the waves were breaking beautifully) and by the time I got back to it, everything was shot... BUT... there's always tomorrow.

So... tomorrow it will be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

rodeo - is that the one at the bottom of that windy road just north of the bridge? it was blown ut the time we went there i seem to remember.