Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Jazz in Heaven

The New Orleans tourism office has just put out a music video with Irvin Mayfield and Ingrid Lucia promoting the city with music and a long list of everything else we love in The Crescent City (suffice to say that FEMA and the Army Corps of Engineers are not on the list). My friend Mary sent it to me this morning just to make me homesick, and well... it worked. It's a fun video though, and if you haven't been to New Orleans maybe it will give you a sense of what the place is about. It's not like the toursit board of ANY city couldn't put out a similar piece... well, now that I think of it... the tourist board of ANY city COULDN'T put out a similar piece!

If you click the picture you should be able to get a direct link to the video, or you can go here and get it from the tourist office site.

If you just want to give the song a listen, you can hear it here

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