Monday, July 17, 2006

Help From Remote Regions

E's commment on the last post was particularly helpful this morning. Misery evidently really does love company, but Hope loves it even more.

For additional company I turned to Krista Tippet's marvelous radio show, Speaking of Faith, which this week features Elie Weisel, a man who is even more impossibly chained to hope than I am.

You can find the show at (and the text of a lovely prayer that ends the show) here. The entire show is great, but the prayer (and the commentary on the prayer) at the end is worth listening for the whole hour anyway.

"Ahhh... the forsythia." - JB by Archibald MacLeish


Anonymous said...

Thanks for turning me on to Krista Tippets show. Very good stuff. We have a shitty npr stastion here out in the wasteland. Wandering in the desert again. Back in AZ. Not a good trip to CO. Really don't know what to do or say right now except to land where I am, and wait to see what happens. I miss the life I had for a while (6 yrs!). Oh well, next chapter coming like it or not, and as we know, nothing lasts. Hope you are well. Love ya!

Anonymous said...

I have no comment to make. What i do have is an uncontrollable urge to post just so it will say "2 comments" rather than the frankly annoying "1 comments" on the main blog page. Talk about bad grammar! Me, anal? No thanks.

Anonymous said...

Deep peace of the running wave to you
Deep peace of the flowing air to you,
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you,
Deep peace of the sleeping stones to you,
Deep peace of the Son of Peace to you,
Deep peace, deep peace.

e on her way to the Outer Banks