Monday, May 15, 2006

Welcome to Another Day...

It was 6:23 in the morning… Monday.

"Maybe you're mistaking the changes in the making… Tomorrow is the magic word… it's filled with hopes and dreams… Tomorrow is another day."

This came on the radio just as I was opening a small book of meditations by Maya Angelou… The reading I seized upon read,

"Love recognizes no barriers
It jumps hurdles
leaps fences
permeates walls

to arrive
at its destination
full of hope."

It was immediately after I had read this line, that the above song, aong by "King Pleasure," started on the WWOZ morning set.

There really couldn't be a greater synchronicity for me this morning. This was indeed the message I needed to hear and the trajectory I need to maintain.

There's only one way out of this big hole that all of us in New Orleans (and much of the rest of the Gulf Coast as well) are stuck in… and that's up.

If we don't move toward the light, the hole will become a grave.


To that end, in the electoral issues that affect us here, I just found a very interesting endorsement for Mitch Landrieu in the local African American newpaper, The Louisiana Weekly. Their article not only explains their support for Landrieu, but does a good job of describing what's wrong, in the present reality, with Ray Nagin.

The article can be found here and it's worth the reading, even if you don't live here.

Mitch Landrieu is the kind of politician that I have dreams about. He is actually someone who I truly believe in, who I truly think can, will and does make a difference. In an election that has great potential for dividing along racial lines, something that should not, and indeed MUST not happen in New Orleans, Mitch is, in my mind, the only person who can bring real unity; he's the only one who can really get things done. I think that's the reason that so many are endorsing him, from the alternative paper, Gambit Weekly, to the mainstream City Business weekly, to the Louisiana Weekly, a paper that I expect most folks thought would be endorsing Nagin.

The Times-Picayune published a terrific piece that looks at all angles of this interesting and complex politician. When you read his background and history, you get a pretty good understanding of why he is who he is.

I'm crossing my fingers and saying my prayers... NEXT Monday morning we'll know the answer and it will say a lot about where The Crescent City is headed as we enter THIS hurricane season.

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