Monday, October 31, 2005

Running to stand still...

Besides being Halloween, today is also (or, considering the time difference, WAS also) the running of the Dublin Marathon. Back last March, when I originally started my plan to move to New Orleans, I had planned on training for, and making the trip to, this event in the city where my grandmother was born. Like the only marathon I have ever run, Big Sur, the Dublin Marathon asserts a pull on me like few other experiences. Like my experience of New Orleans, I find some part of my soul in that city and combining that soul connection with the physical body connection of distance running is particularly vibrant. It creates a linkage between the spiritual, psychological and corporeal parts of my being that nothing else touches. It is an experience that I have been thoroughly lacking in over the last two months. My participation in this year's marathon is another casualty of my chaotic and crisis strewn life of the last several months and so it's not really surprising that instead of being there, I'm here... But being HERE is the right thing for right now.

This will make the first full week I have been in the Crescent City since the last week of August. I expect to - I must - get a lot of work done this week. Something that will be even more difficult than usual because the standard sluggish nature of doing business in the tropics has been increased exponentially by the devolution of the city's infrastructure A.K. Connected to that is the task of figuring out the new lay of the land; what CAN be done... and, even more importantly, WHEN.

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