Saturday, September 17, 2005

iTunes, Individuation... and Home

As I understand it, Jung's concept of Synchronicity is fundamentally based on the idea that if you are deeply engaged in a process of individuation you will not only find, but in some sense create, links between seemingly unrelated, even seemingly magical, events. Durinng this very turbulant time, I am finding this to be a fundamental reality of my life.

One of my favorite ways of experiencing synchronistic messages is through the shuffle feature in iTunes. By not planning a series of carefully selected songs, but instead allowing the nearly 4,000 songs I have in my collection to present themselves at random, I regularly run into quite enlightening surpirses.

One fo those surprises just happened to me with a song from Crescent City gift, John Boutte. His joyous rendition of "Didn't It Rain" provides an unexpected light and hope for me this morning as I sit in a formerly familiar coffeeshop in a formerly familiar town feeling more out of place than ever before.

Of course, you can have the same experience by keeping your ears open to the musical soundtrack that runs through our daily lives - on the radio, in the elevator, and at the coffeeshop - and noticing where things connect. For me... I just took off my headphones and ran smack into Bob Dylan singing my life across the canyon of 40 years... "Something is happening here, but you don't know what it is, do you... Mr. Jones?"

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