Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Synchronicity 2

I had a particularly frustrating morning today, with no way to get online until making my way to a friend's house late in the morning.

The coffeeshop where I have paid to get WiFi in Petaluma had their service down, and frankly it's not a particularly inviting coffeeshop anyway. The whole morning (combined with the daunting task of dealing with my car which hasn't been moved since before I left for New Orleans six weeks ago)and the imminent approach of Rita to The Crescent City led to a sinking feeling as deep as (really deeper than) anything I have felt since I left New Orleans on August 28.

Today, for the first time in all of this, I am feeling alone and without any real resources. My contact points have vanished and I find myself back in Petaluma with no sense of what to do, where to go, or who to be.

Then iTunes comes to the rescue once again and Sting brings me the Word of the Day from an album that is ten years old.

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