Saturday, September 17, 2005

What Am I Doin' Here?

Another synchronistic iTunes moment came through just now when a recording I produced twenty years ago popped up out of the blue.

With a planned trip to Grace Cathedral this weekend and a rather strange sense of displacement here in my former town, there couldn't be a more appropriate question for the moment than, "What Am I Doin' Here?"

Ironically, I was supposed to be meeting the singer/songwriter of the song next weekend in New Orleans when he passed through town on a concert tour.

Guess that ain't gonna be happening... Ironically, that's the one thing in all of this that seems just about right.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The old saying you cant go home again is true on a whole lot of levels right now, I am afraid.

Went to Medamas web site from your link. How sad. Suburban evangeligal social conscious urban angst lite. Guess some folks never leave their comfort zone. Interesting where his CD offerings START.

I am still proud of what we did, and what we tried to do with him. Interesting THAT isn't even part of his body of work anymore.

Oh well, thats all right mama. Music is still part of the true church, as is nature, and compassion, and all the wonderful and terrifying mysteries we face. At least you got to hear the real thing, light and dark, wailing from the heart in dark streets and steamy clubs. In my own way I guess I've been privaliged to have been able to catch glimpses of the ineffable too. Searching for the sound......

What a waste....