Thursday, August 04, 2005

The Last Time

Up early this morning. Trying to get a quick start on the day while at the same time hoping to reorient my body a little bit toward being on Central Time. Tomorrow morning I have to be up an hour earlier so starting this last day in Petaluma at a very early hour seems like a good idea.

Despite the fact that I have "miles to go before I sleep" I find that I feel better stopping for a minute, pouring some Irish Breakfast Tea, and thinking on the way my life has gone over the last twenty eight years.

What comes most rapidly to mind is an old gospel song that was done a few years ago by the Blind Boys of Alabama, "Last Time.". Twenty four hours from now I will be on an Aiporter Shuttle bus on the way to Oakland airport. From there I will fly to New Orleans and thus begin a new life. I have plans to come back here, to talk and work with people who I know here, to see my daughter and friends, but the fact is none of us has any idea wht the next moment holds. Frankly, in the light of daily events it seems rather presumptuous of me to simply assume that I will be on board that Airporter I just mentioned, let alone that I have some guarantee of returning once I leave.

So, today is a day of parting. It will be done in haste, as there is so much to get done, but it will be done in my heart for sure.

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