Sunday, August 07, 2005

The Queen of Somewhere Hot

It seems like it's time for me to introduce my host here in New Orleans,Pat Jolly.

Pat is a photographer, artist, art teacher, and general woman about town. She has more friends than anyone I have ever met in my life, and this was demonstrated to me on Friday night at the Sathmo Club Strut and again yesterday morning at the Crescent City Farmer's Market. In both venues, "Jolly Pat" couldn't take three steps without running into someone who greeted her with a big smile and a new story. The phenomenon was repeated over and over with people, quite literally, of all ages, from little kids to older women and men.

I met Pat through one of my other new Crescent City friends, Tom Morgan, who pointed me to her email list and insisted that it was the place to be if you wnated to get the scoop on all that's happening in New Orleans. He hasn't been wrong so far, and from everything I can see around me (oh man... I can't even begin to describe this house) he isn't going to be proven wrong any time soon.

I am grateful to Pat for her help so far and in the spirit she provides, I hope I can effectively and worthily pass it on.

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