Sunday, August 07, 2005

More on "intelligent?" design...

I got up this morning and sat down to coffee and The Huffington Post, where not only were there some interesting, and even thoroughly amusing, news links, but also a terrific blog from Sam Harris on Bush's new idiotic proposal for education.

Frankly, I am not inclined to take Harris' fully anti-religious perspective, but I like it a lot better than the perspective of the idiotic fundamentalist minions of various world religions that are playing havoc with everything from the U.S. Constituion to the lives of virtually every human being on the planet, and - as a reprobate Southern Baptist and a somewhat dubious descendent of George Washington - I absolutely believe that the complete separation of church and state (including the abolition of all forms of religion as taught, advocated, counseled and condoned in public schools and government forums) is probably mandatory for our society.

Okay... more on that to come. Check out Sam's piece, as well as his book.

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